Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thank-you America!

Finally, after almost a week of whooping and singing, hugging complete strangers, and marveling at what a moment in history just happened, I'm finally getting around to post to this blog.  In fact maybe it will be the final post.  I haven't decided yet.
Doing this shrine has been so much fun.  Public opinion has been overwhelmingly positive and seeing everyones smiles as they walk past has been awesome.

One day I had a lovely note from a passerby asking if he could photograph the shrine.  This photo is the result.  Thank-you Bryan Karl Lathrop (watch out for his website - coming soon).

I hope that in some way we helped to do our part to make this wonderful, wonderful, thing happen.  Because I couldn't vote.
But now I'm going to find out about citizenship......

There is a lot of work to be done, and everyone is going to need to pitch in, but I'm convinced that President-elect Obama is the absolute best man for the job.

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