Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sparkly Obamahat

Less than a week to go.  Then the ultimate Obamashrine moment.  Obama is enshrined.  
James brought me a rhinestone Obama pin yesterday in DC.  I've pinned it to my hippy-ish wooly hat.  I love it.  Somehow, that look sums it all up for me.  Where we go from here, who knows? But something's gonna sparkle.

Monday, November 10, 2008

No more Obamashrine

It has been taken down.
I'm sad, but happy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Victory Photo

Thank-you America!

Finally, after almost a week of whooping and singing, hugging complete strangers, and marveling at what a moment in history just happened, I'm finally getting around to post to this blog.  In fact maybe it will be the final post.  I haven't decided yet.
Doing this shrine has been so much fun.  Public opinion has been overwhelmingly positive and seeing everyones smiles as they walk past has been awesome.

One day I had a lovely note from a passerby asking if he could photograph the shrine.  This photo is the result.  Thank-you Bryan Karl Lathrop (watch out for his website - coming soon).

I hope that in some way we helped to do our part to make this wonderful, wonderful, thing happen.  Because I couldn't vote.
But now I'm going to find out about citizenship......

There is a lot of work to be done, and everyone is going to need to pitch in, but I'm convinced that President-elect Obama is the absolute best man for the job.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


What a great day for the United States and the entire planet.
Baltimore Avenue in West Philly exploded in joy (see link)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008


This poster is on the window of my house.  Sent to me by my friend Sandra (thank-you Sandra!).  I hope it represents tomorrow.  Obama in red and blue (states).